The Great White House Breakout0°C 作者:Helen M. Thomas, Chip Bok Charlyn Jamie Dolly Tam Elizabeth Kimberly Debra Tina Bartholoma Pat Angela 出版社:Dial 出版时间:
No Bullies Allowed! the Kids' Book of 0°C 作者:Anders Hanson Erin Rebecca Lewis murray Kat 出版社:Super Sandcastle 出版时间:2014-09
Jane Eyre (Classics Illustrated)0°C 作者:Charlotte Brontë(Author), H.J. Kihl(Illustrator), H. J. Kihl(Illustrator) 出版社:Classics Illustrated Comics 出版时间:2015-11
Who Likes the Wind?0°C 作者:Etta Kaner(Author), Marie Lafrance(Illustrator) 出版社:Kids Can Press 出版时间:2006 阅读年龄 8-9岁 (100.0%)