I'm Too Big / Je Suis Trop Gros (I Can0°C 作者:Lone Morton(Author), Weatherill(Illustrator), Ide Marie Helie(Translator) 出版社:B.E.S. Publishing 出版时间:1994-08 阅读年龄 3-4岁 (50.0%), 4-5岁 (50.0%)
Lots of Balloons (Compass Point Early 0°C 作者:Dana Meachen Rau(Author), Jayoung Cho(Illustrator) 出版社: 出版时间: 阅读年龄 6-7岁 (100.0%)
Little Critter's Snowball Soup10°C 作者:Mayer, Mercer 出版社:Turtleback Books 出版时间:2007-09 阅读年龄 2-3岁 (100.0%)
My Tail Is Long and Striped (Zoo Clues0°C 作者:Joyce L Markovics(Author), Christopher Kuhar(Consultant Editor), Kimberly Brenneman(Consultant Editor) 出版社:Bearport Pub Co Inc 出版时间:2014-01 阅读年龄 4-5岁 (100.0%)
Moe Is Best (I Like to Read)0°C 作者:Richard Torrey(Author) 出版社:Holiday House; Reprint edition 出版时间:2015-07 阅读年龄 5-6岁 (100.0%)
The Big, Big Wall0°C 作者:Reginald Howard(Author), Ariane Dewey(Illustrator), Jose Aruego(Illustrator) 出版社:Harcourt Children's Books; 1-Simul edition 出版时间: 阅读年龄 1-2岁 (100.0%)